First Seminar

September 12, 2008

We’ll have our first  seminar on Monday, October 6th, from 14:30 to 16:30 at our Berritzegune, as we usually do. I’ve emailed you all a guideline about a possible hezkuntza berriztatzeko ekintza in case you are interested in doing something like that. Other than that, we’ll devote our seminar to the topics you suggested last June:blogs, bideos and perhaps, in case we have time, we may start learning about wikis.  Anyway, feel free to make any comments and suggestions you feel like doing!

In addition to that,  here you are a link to Iraileko Jardunaldiak. There you may have a look at Rosas’s presentation!

A new school year

September 2, 2008
Timetable in a Norwegian School

Timetable in a Norwegian School

Here we are, back at work! have you had nice summer holidays? I hope so.

I am preparing a sort of projectwork/ seminar work  guideline that I’ll e-mail you next week. I’ve taken your suggestions into account so  we’ll be dealing with blogs, photos, videos… Hmmm, terribly exciting!

I am looking forward to seeing you all!